Friday, September 30, 2011

But above all else...

After some recent conversations I have had with someone near and dear to me, I've been thinking lately about how our hearts drive everything we do, and about Proverbs 4:23 which says: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Solomon (who is believed to have written Proverbs) goes on to list ways that we should conduct behavior, but the first and most important part of this is the mention of the heart being the wellspring of all we do.

This is why it is important first and foremost to have a Christ-focused heart. We cannot expect to do good things and be good Christians because of the good things we do. Our hearts must first be consumed by Christ and THEN we are driven to do good works, out of pure and genuine love and gratitude. Without Christ-filled hearts, works of love are impossible. Our works are meaningless...Because God is love and who does not know God does not know love. 1 John 4: 8 says: "Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." ...........GOD IS LOVE. That means that apart from God, there is no love.

The attitude of your heart is everything. Stop trying to chart God on a grid. Let yourselves be captivated. Our God is the God of the Universe! In Him all things live and breathe. He knows every fiber of our being and still loves us completely and unconditionally. He wants to have a personal relationship with YOU. Let your heart be totally opened up to feel awe and wonder and adoration. Love Him back. Above ALL else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. But when I say guard your heart, I don't mean close it up and don't allow it to feel. What I mean is, make sure it is totally and completely handed over to God. There is no better way to guard your heart than to put it in HIS hands.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts. The moment we attempt to pursue good works outside of a Jesus Christ is the same moment we being to see Christianity as a religion instead of a relationship.

    Sometime we just need to stop doing, shut up, and behold our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
